5 tips om zweetplekken uit kleding te verwijderen

5 tips to remove sweat stains from clothing

Nothing feels as shabby as a shirt with yellow spots around the armpits visible from miles away. Even though sweating is an extremely normal and natural phenomenon, we still tend to feel ashamed of it. We prefer to dress in brand new clothing that shows no trace of humanity. Unfortunately, the washing machine does not always succeed in carefully erasing the sweat spots. Does that mean the end of your nice shirt? Not necessary. We give 5 tips for removing sweat spots.

1. Treat stains as quickly as possible and wait before using the dryer
In the fight against sweat stains, it is important to treat the stain as quickly as possible. This way you prevent stubborn stains from becoming ingrained in the fabric of your clothing. If you notice a stain developing, try treating it under running cold water before it dries. Maybe you are in time and prevent a permanent stain from forming.

In addition, make sure that you do not put the clothes where the stains have not yet been washed out in the dryer. A trip in the dryer makes it virtually impossible to remove the stains. First wash everything away thoroughly! What you then use to treat the stain depends on the fabric and color of your clothing.

2. Yellow against yellow: the power of lemon
Lemon is a good natural enemy of yellow spot. You can use the juice of a lemon. Then mix half the lemon juice with water and spray or rub the lemon mixture over the stain. Another option is to use lemon soap. You also use water to rub the soap into the stain. Let the soap or lemon mixture work for a while and then wash your clothes in the washing machine according to your normal routine.

3. Vinegar to tackle sweat spots
Vinegar is known to be a good stain remover. Vinegar can also work a small miracle against sweat stains. Make sure you dilute the vinegar first. You can, for example, use a plant sprayer for this, or soak your clothes in the mixture for a while. Use white vinegar for this. Make a mixture by adding half water and half vinegar. Spray the mixture on the sweat spots before putting the clothes in the washing machine. After washing, the yellow sweat stains have disappeared like snow in the sun. You can also use this tip for dark clothing, on which the stains usually turn gray or white.

Please note: we do not recommend using vinegar to clean the Trickie armpit pads. Trickie fabric is composed of different materials and can be damaged by treating it with vinegar.

4. Tackling stubborn stains with a mix
The less intense sweat stains will disappear without any problems with the vinegar mixture. Sometimes, however, stains are more persistent and require more serious action. You don't have to resort to drastic methods or chemicals to save your clothes. Mix a tablespoon of salt and 120 grams of baking soda with a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide so that you get a kind of paste. You can, for example, apply this paste directly to the stain with an old toothbrush. Allow the mixture to sit on the stain for at least an hour before washing the clothes in your usual washing machine. Use this mixture only for white clothing . If you want to tackle colored clothing, you can replace the hydrogen peroxide with water and then follow the same steps.

5. Pay attention to the material of your clothing before you get started
If you have clothing that states that it cannot be washed in the washing machine and that it can only be dry cleaned, do not use home-made stain removal remedies. The same goes for clothes made of silk. This is a very vulnerable material that can quickly cause irreversible damage. Although bleach is often recommended to combat yellow stains, it often does more harm than good. Bleach is an aggressive agent that it is better to leave alone in the fight against sweat stains.

Prevention is better than cure

Our motto is: the best sweat stain is no sweat stain. Trickie® prevents sweat spots on your clothing because the fabric allows absolutely no moisture to pass through. The unique combination of properties in the fabric also ensures that the shirt feels wonderful and is a pleasure to wear. Make sure you never have to use the above tricks in the future and let Trickie® protect your clothes once and for all. Experience it yourself!

Image: by Racool_studio on Freepik

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