
Why sweating is useful

When we sweat, we often find it annoying. You get warm and droplets appear on your face, or under your armpits and sometimes also in other places on your body where you prefer to keep it fresh and dry. Yet sweat has an important function and we can be happy that our body works so advanced. Sweat removes excess heat and maintains body temperature! Indispensable for a healthy life.

How does sweating work?
Our body functions best at an average temperature of 37 degrees. If you warm up and the temperature threatens to rise, it is very important that your body dissipates this heat. Sweat helps your body to stay cool so that your organs and everything you need to stay alive can function properly.

That immediately explains why you can still sweat even in winter, when it is cold outside. For example, when you exercise and exert a lot of effort, your body temperature rises. The cold outside is then not enough to cool your body, so sweat helps the body. For example, if you bite into a chili pepper and your body is overcome by the sudden heat, you can spontaneously break out into a sweat. A very normal reaction.

How much sweat is normal?
We basically sweat all day long. It is a very common way for our body to disperse the heat created by our muscles and metabolism. Sweat can be caused by exercise, stress or heat, for example. The body adapts the intensity of sweating to the circumstances. A person sweats an average of 1 liter per day. During intensive exertion or extreme heat, sweat production can amount to as much as 1 to 2 liters per hour. Sweat consists almost entirely of water. No more than 1 percent of it is formed by minerals and a number of other substances.

Why does one person sweat more than another?
There are many factors that influence the sweat production of each individual. For example, how old you are, the size of your body, how much you drink, exercise and hormones all play a role in human sweat production. If you never sweat, you may be dehydrated. For example, if it is warm outside and you want to exercise, it is advisable to drink enough water. Too little fluid not only affects how much you sweat, it can also make you feel worse and become dizzy, for example.

Why do sweat spots appear near the armpits?
Sweat glands are found all over your body. Although only 1 percent of all your perspiration ends up under your armpits, they appear to be the place where sweat reveals itself in the most annoying way. That's because it is a relatively congested place on your body with little room for ventilation. For this reason, sweat from your armpits evaporates less easily.

Why does sweat stink?
Sweat comes from the sweat glands to the surface of the skin. At that moment the perspiration is odorless, but because it is broken down by bacteria that occur on the skin, the moisture is converted into the odor that is so typical of sweat.

Sweating as a signaling function
Every person sweats. Some people sweat more than other people. When it is hot, or when you exert yourself, experience stress or are ill, you may (temporarily) sweat more. If you are sick and have a fever, you may also sweat because your body is fighting the disease. Do you notice changes in yourself? For example, if you suddenly start to sweat a lot at night, or during the day without any visible reason, your body may be trying to send a signal. In that case, your doctor can help you investigate what exactly is going on.

Appreciate the natural function of sweat and don't let it hinder you!
Trickie® helps you see your sweat for what it is again: an advanced way for your body to maintain your temperature and health. Actually pretty cool when you think about it that way. Even better if the sweat does its work invisibly and does not get in your way in everyday life. So make short work of sweat spots and choose Trickie® today!

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